Legal warning

Legal warning

Please read the following warnings carefully. Mimi Agricultural Products Trade Ltd. Ltd.

By placing your order from (Mimi Farm), you are deemed to have accepted the following conditions.


1. If you have any disease, illness, allergy or concern about this matter, it is your responsibility to consult your doctor before ordering, as Mimi Farm products are prepared without taking such special conditions into consideration . It is your responsibility to inform Mimi Farm of your allergies at the time of ordering. In such a case, Mimi will replace the product you are allergic to with another product it deems appropriate.

2. Mimi Farm does not conduct any studies regarding diseases, illnesses or special nutrition.

3. It is more appropriate for pregnant women and children under the age of 5 to consume edible flowers by consulting their doctors.

Mimi Farm is not responsible for placing an order.

4.Products must be washed and consumed.

5. Mimi is not responsible for any health problems that may occur as a result of the use of the products or failure to achieve the expected goal.

6. Mimi Farm products also include wheat sprouts. Although wheat sprouts are prepared in separate processes, they are packaged in the same area as other sprouts, so those with severe gluten allergies and celiac patients should not use Mimi Farm products. Mimi Farm is not responsible for any inconvenience that may occur in such a situation .

7. All information on is for informational purposes only. Neither this information nor Mimi Farm products are intended to provide treatment or weight loss.